Youngblood Brass Band – European Tour

Wow. What an incredible experience to not only spend time with friends exploring Amsterdam and Paris, but we saw my brother’s band, Youngblood Brass Band, play in both cities. My favorite part was not just watching the band, but seeing how excited the fans were to be there. In Amsterdam, I asked a few people […]

Shadow Indoor Percussion 2016

Every April I go with Shadow Indoor Percussion to their final competition in Dayton, Ohio. Here are a few of the images from the trip. Always proud of you, Shadow!! Corps info can be found here:

Shadow Indoor Percussion – “This is Water”

Shadow Indoor Percussion is an ensemble from Oregon High School in Oregon, WI that competes at WGI World Championships. The 2015 group was overjoyed with their results, as during the season they were promoted to a national class (Independent Open) which includes almost exclusively college-age performers. They completely expected not to make finals, up against some […]

Youngblood Brass Band

I toured with Youngblood Brass Band for a few days in November. We started at Drom in New York then drove to Boston then to Washington D.C. Here are a few show shots from the shows!