Mineral Point, Wisconsin

First of all, I have to share how much I love alpacas. I had a feeling I would like them, but when I saw one in person, I fell in love instantly.

I was asked to photograph a travel piece about Mineral Point, Wisconsin for Minnesota Monthly this past June. It was a dream assignment. I took the day, drove an hour to Mineral Point to talk with locals and find the hidden secrets of the small artsy town tucked away in Wisconsin. There was a little boutique store called Bobbi Jo’s Interiors on Main Street. The owner, Bobbi Jo, showed me the local pieces she had in the store … one of which was a colorful and furry pin made with alpaca fleece. I quickly asked if she had the number for the alpaca owners because I knew it would be a great opportunity to see and photograph them! Gosh they are cute! I almost only put photos up of the alpacas, but there are more here from my time in Mineral Point.

The article will hopefully run in Minnesota Monthly soon!

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point

Mineral Point